full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Patricia Burchat: Shedding light on dark matter

Unscramble the Blue Letters

geaixals themselves are not sretwn randomly in space; they tend to cluster. And this is an example of a very, actually, faumos cluster, the Coma cluster. And there are thousands of galaxies in this cluster. They're the white, fuzzy, elliptical things here. So these galaxy clusters — we take a snapshot now, we take a snapshot in a decade, it'll look identical. But these galaxies are actually moving at extremely high speeds. They're moving around in this gitatravoinal potential well of this cluster, OK. So all of these galaxies are moving. We can maeusre the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital vioeilcets, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster.

Open Cloze

________ themselves are not ______ randomly in space; they tend to cluster. And this is an example of a very, actually, ______ cluster, the Coma cluster. And there are thousands of galaxies in this cluster. They're the white, fuzzy, elliptical things here. So these galaxy clusters — we take a snapshot now, we take a snapshot in a decade, it'll look identical. But these galaxies are actually moving at extremely high speeds. They're moving around in this _____________ potential well of this cluster, OK. So all of these galaxies are moving. We can _______ the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital __________, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster.


  1. gravitational
  2. galaxies
  3. strewn
  4. famous
  5. velocities
  6. measure

Original Text

Galaxies themselves are not strewn randomly in space; they tend to cluster. And this is an example of a very, actually, famous cluster, the Coma cluster. And there are thousands of galaxies in this cluster. They're the white, fuzzy, elliptical things here. So these galaxy clusters — we take a snapshot now, we take a snapshot in a decade, it'll look identical. But these galaxies are actually moving at extremely high speeds. They're moving around in this gravitational potential well of this cluster, OK. So all of these galaxies are moving. We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dark matter 24
dark energy 7
big questions 3
gravitational effects 3
gravitational lensing 3
largest scale 2
ordinary matter 2
electromagnetic spectrum 2
einstein predicted 2
einstein ring 2
graph paper 2
hubble space 2
space telescope 2
gravitationally attracting 2
stephen hawking 2
billion years 2
gravitational attraction 2
mathematically consistent 2
large hadron 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
hubble space telescope 2

Important Words

  1. cluster
  2. clusters
  3. coma
  4. decade
  5. elliptical
  6. extremely
  7. famous
  8. figure
  9. fuzzy
  10. galaxies
  11. galaxy
  12. gravitational
  13. high
  14. identical
  15. mass
  16. measure
  17. moving
  18. orbital
  19. potential
  20. randomly
  21. snapshot
  22. speeds
  23. strewn
  24. tend
  25. thousands
  26. velocities
  27. white